What Flooring is Best for Winery Production Areas?
Winery production areas face heavy wear from forklift traffic, organic acids, and caustic chemicals. In addition, thermal shock and thermal cycling from hot water washdowns can significantly diminish the life of a floor in this environment.

Poured-in-place, high-impact resistant, urethane mortar floors are ideal in winery production areas because they exhibit excellent abrasion and chemical-resistant characteristics. In particular, they are the superior choice for withstanding thermal shock in comparison to standard epoxy systems or other flooring types. Since urethane mortar floors are seamless, they are easy to clean and maintain and eliminate the collection of dirt and bacteria in joints or crevices where they would otherwise harbor and potentially grow.

Stonhard Product Recommendation for Winery Production Areas
Stonhard recommends Stonclad UT for winery production areas. Stonclad UT is a ¼” thick system, which is the best way to floor a new winery production area or an excellent restorative solution to concrete that has been degraded by acids, caustics, and hot water washdowns. Stonclad UT is offered in two levels of texture for slip resistance and with an HAACP International Certification, it is verified as a safe and sanitary product for the food and beverage industry.
With 95 years in business, Stonhard is the unprecedented leader in manufacturing and installing high-performance epoxy and urethane floor, wall and lining systems. Stonhard's seamless, long-wearing and easy-to-clean systems are engineered to perform in both industrial and commercial environments without sacrificing design innovative vision.
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Watch a Stonclad UT installation video.