Epoxy resin flooring is a versatile and durable solution for many commercial and industrial applications, offering a myriad of benefits that allow businesses to update their facilities while ensuring optimal functionality and longevity.
In this blog, we'll explore the process and advantages of installing epoxy resin flooring over existing materials and answer several commonly asked questions on the topic. Be sure to watch our StonTalks episode ‘Installing Epoxy Flooring Over Existing Materials’ for more answers.
Can epoxy flooring be installed over other flooring materials?
Typically, epoxy is applied directly onto concrete. There are instances, however, where an alternative flooring product, system, or substrate might already be in place and removal is not necessary. Depending on the environment, epoxy flooring systems may be applied directly over materials such as plywood, various types of tile, alternative resinous systems, and cementitious products distinct from concrete.
Is it OK to install epoxy floors over other resinous floors?
Yes, however conducting a thorough assessment of the existing bond's quality and performance is crucial. When replacing an existing epoxy floor, it is imperative to determine the required level of preparation and remediation for the substrate.
I’m considering epoxy flooring to replace an existing floor in my facility. Where do I start?
With over a century of expertise in installing epoxy flooring systems across diverse environments, Stonhard is prepared to evaluate your facility and recommend a product and installation plan. Your local territory manager will help you select the best product to achieve your goals and work with you on a flexible schedule to meet your needs and deadlines.
To find out answers to other commonly asked questions watch our latest Stontalks video.